Price Increase Coming Soon
Starting January 1, 2025, the price of a bag of coffee will be increasing 25% related to broad implementation of tariffs on all imported coffee (commodities). This means that the cost for a bag of coffee will increase $3 per bag (from $11 a bag to $14 a bag). We apologize for the increase in cost but have little control over the changing economic policies and the direct impact it has on the organic coffee we import from Mexico, Central and South America, and Africa.
Extraordinary Experiences
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We believe that great coffee is cliche and that the brilliant flavors are uninteresting and unnecessary. In a world where many strive to be the very best, Ambidextrous Rex is "Crafting Ordinary Coffee for Extraordinary Experiences."
Dogs Drinking Coffee
We are just re-directing you to our products page while exploiting cute dogs to do our bidding
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